LID Zero Mature Health, Reviews

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Year 2. Put my 8yr old cats kidney disease into remission. Just did 3rd labs and it has reversed it. Please don't stop making this food. Thank you !!!!!

Jamie, 7/11/2024

This food has turned our kitty's health around. She was diagnosed with severe IBD after her blockage surgery. Her coat is coming back thicker, we are seeing less hairballs, and she gained back the weight she lost while sick. There is one unfortunate downside to the food. Her poop REEEEEEKS now. It's unbearably stinky. We follow the restricted diet recommendations and her poop looks normal, it's just so stinky. We are willing to deal though as her health is more important than our sense of smell, hence the 5 stars. Unrelated, but I would just like to mention that some of the brand's responses to other reviews that aren't 5 stars, aren't the most professional. Unfortunately, they come off passive aggressive and has left a bit of a bad taste in our mouths. Otherwise, this brand makes a wonderful choice of food for IBD kitties and we will continue to purchase this food for her. Thank you for providing this!

Natalie, 12/31/2023

My review is long over due. My CKD IBD kitty refuses to eat any wet food which would be ideal with CKD..Young Again Lid Zero Mature was suggested on a CKD page that I follow as it’s low phosphorus - super low carbs and higher protein to avoid muscle wasting. Mischiff is super picky …..and he absolutely LOVES this kibble. I know it’s a much healthier option for him than his old kibble and even the RX kibble (which he won’t eat either!!!!) When my girl was end stage CKD the only way she would eat her wet food was with some of this kibble smashed up and sprinkled on top. The people at YA are awesome to deal with too…great customer service.

Terri, 5/13/2023

Great food. My picky girl loves this and has issues eating most other foods.

Kelly Woycheese, 1/24/2022

At about 6 months of age and after many vet visits, my cat Lil Bob was diagnosed with eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC) and put on prednisolone for about 8 months. His original symptom was diarrhea that no vet could seem to control. His 5 siblings had same issue. Finally an internal specialist said to change the food which helped his siblings but then really caused his EGC to flare up. After trying every OTC limited ingredient food he finally had to go on hydrolyzed RX food. I was not pleased with the inferior ingredients in the RX foods available but they worked for his allergies. He is allergic to chicken and after much trial and error I discovered I believe he is also allergic to peas. Nearly all LID and grain free foods have peas in them and almost 90% of cat food has chicken in it somewhere. In trying to find a food for him I discovered his brother is allergic to lamb and duck. In my hours and hours of online research I somehow stumbled upon Young Again. Your ingredients were actually species appropriate and I was happy to see you had a LID food with hydrolyzed pork and no peas. Lil Bob has been on the food about 2 months now and no more breakouts except when I tried 54/22 version with chicken to confirm he had chicken allergy. Yep he has chicken allergy. He likes the food. He overate it for a while and had soft poops until he finally figured out he didn't have to eat as much. I will say that the poops on this food are much stronger smelling than on other foods which I assume is due to the high amount of protein? I have 12 cats and I am trying to get them to all eat the same food even though several of them have different issues (obesity, UTI, food allergy) . Young Again may fit the bill, only time will tell. For now it works for Lil Bob and he is off medication and the poor quality RX food so that is a win in my book.

Cherie Russell, 12/21/2021

I have to tell you that so far I am impressed with your cat food. I have one cat that is recently diagnosed as diabetic. She used to only sleep and eat a lot. Now she's not eating excessively. My husband's cat used to throw up 3 or more times a week. She's not doing that anymore. She also used to freak out if the bowl was half empty and then overeat. She's not doing that anymore either. Plus since feeding our 3 cats your food, I seem to be saving on cat litter.

It's very nice to find a product that will actually save us money in the long run, not only on food but cat litter as well. Plus our cats really like it. When I can, I plan to try your dog food too.

So I would say ya'll have another satisfied customer.

Kaye L. 

Kaye L. , 9/20/2017

My cat Jake used to get horrible eosinophilic plaques on a near-constant basis. He was on course after course of prednisolone, and started becoming resistant to it. After a trip to a veterinary dermatologist, we put him on Atopica, which definitely worked for a while to keep his symptoms in check. But the medicine is expensive, and for health reasons, it's not something I wanted to keep him on indefinitely, despite the derm vet saying it would be just fine to do so. Plus Jake became increasingly difficult to medicate -- constantly hiding and evading my grasp, fearful of me because he hated that awful-tasting medicine. This spring I switched my cats to Young Again in the hopes that a change in diet might help Jake. He took to it well, and I slowly began increasing the time between his doses of Atopica. In May, I took him off it completely, and he's been lesion-free ever since. I mix the Mature Health formula with the LID Zero Mature and he's had no recurrences (knock on wood), so I am not even sure it's chicken he's allergic to. Of course, his recurrent lesions could have been caused by something else entirely -- something in the environment, stress, etc. But I am NOT taking any chances. I will keep my cats on Young Again as long as it keeps Jake happy, healthy, and symptom-free. Some of my other cats have had urinary issues in the past too, and this food manages those issues as well. I sincerely hope we've put those awful lesions behind us for good now! Thank you, Young Again!

Rebecca K., 7/7/2017

My 3 cats like this food a little too much and 2 gained so much weight in the 45 days I wasn't home to watch, I had to put them on a 150 calorie diet. Free choice feeding has been a disaster. One kitty is now too fat to fit through the cat door! So I do not recommend free choice as even after 6 months months my cats continue to overeat. I use the LID because one kitty is prone to allergies.

Jennifer, 1/1/2024

My two 12 yr old cats got morbidly obese while eating the LID mature free choice for 2 months plus 3oz wet per day. Now they are eating 6oz of wet and only 1 Tbsp of this LID a day. I'd not suggest free choice for most cats as my now deceased other 2 pigged out. My 3 yr barn cat is fat and sassy off the LID, stealing the kitten Junior food and gorging himself, and stealing much more than 3oz of canned food a day. The Junior food is certainly tastier than this LID.  

This is a clear example why some cats cannot be free choice fed.  Please see our restricted feeding info.  We also suggest checking the carrb/stach content in any foods that you feed alongside ours and matching the carb/starch content to our food. 

Jennifer Martin, 12/3/2023

I have a 4yo female sphynx. she's had allergies to food since we got her from about 4 months. A while in she got a UTI and the antibiotics ruined her GI system. finding a food that is actually limited ingredient with no filler and hydrolyzed protein because of allergies was the most stressful thing I had to deal with over 3.5 years! Then I somehow stumbled across someone on a reddit post talking about this food brand. So far we have been on it for about a month or a bit more, and my cat seems to be doing better. Her hives and settled down, and her poops are still soft but they used to be almost water! so ill take soft poop over that! I hope this is the food that will save us, and I can stop my search for good!

Suezanne , 12/2/2023

I've been feeding this to my 18,19 yr old ckd kitties. Wet is encouraged but they are picky. They do not like any of the low phorphous wet foods and do not eat enough wet to maintain their weight. I leave the Young Again Lld out for them to eat at will, they like to eat at night. My kitties are active, maintaining their weight, look great and still have an interest in life. Using this food is working for us

Ann kazmierski, 8/14/2023

The loose stool issue this client saw with her cat is commonly seen when the previous high carbohydrate food is mixed with our low starch/carb food.  We do not suggest mixing these foods for tranisiton.  Please read our instructions and follow them closely.  I love the recipe and the low phosphorus level for my CKD cat. However, since the first day my cat was on this food, he started having terrible diarrhea. I did slow and gradual transition from his old food. I tried to add fiber, reduce the amount, and slow feed him multiple meals through the day. Nothing helped. He loves the food but certain ingredients may not be great for him. I was hoping his stomach could get used/adjusted to this food. But he just had projectile diarrhea and I am sure that this food is not a fit for him.  We attempted to reach out to this customer but she would not return our calls. 

Katniss, 6/23/2023

I have been using the Lld zero formula for my cats for a year now. Their ages are 18, 19. I began using because I was desperate to find a low phorphous food to supplement the diet of my kitty in kidney failure, he has since passed away. My remaining kitties are doing good on this food and nos on bl panel are good. They are maintaining their weight at roughly 6 lbs, they are sm females. They really enjoy this food, I feel like I'm providing them with good nutrition. They are happy kitties, enjoying life. Thank you, Ann and crew

Ann kazmierski, 5/12/2023

I bought this food for my senior cat who needs low phosphorus cat food for her kidneys & this is low. She is extremely picky & she will only eat dry food. I hope this food will make her gain weight, instead of losing more weight. I prayed that she would like this food. This is her 1st day trying it & she ate quite a bit of it. I have to hide it from my other kitty because he found her bowl & ate most of it. I was so grateful to finally find a non-prescription dry cat food for cats to help save their kidneys & a food she will eat. Thank you for making this food.

Eric's mom, 3/11/2022

Great food I had been using for my Maine Coons ....unfortunately a few yrs ago I had to stop because my one boy has severe chicken allergy's and this contains chicken fat which he reacts to...I know it has been said that chicken fat has no chicken protein but some cats still react to it...soo bottom line is this is an exceptional food just sad I cant use this for my boys I do use the kitten junior but have to stand by the counter so my allergy cat doesn't get it.....wish it didn't contain chicken fat,,,,

Nancy Taglauer, 11/27/2021